30+ Celebrities Who Are Actually Rude In Real Life (2024)

Table of Contents
1. Ellen DeGeneres Is Rude To Staff And Guests 2. Christina Aguilera Insulted 'Voice' Contestants 3. Jennifer Aniston Made Jay Mohr Cry 4. Cameron Diaz Lectures Her Fans 5. Zooey Deschanel Is Angry On Set 6. Amy Schumer Interrupts Other Comedians 7. James Corden Uses His Celebirty Status Too Often 8. Jennifer Lawrence Is Rude To Fans 9. Jennifer Lopez Refuses To Speak To Flight Attendants 10. Jonah Hill Is Rude In Interviews 11. Sandra Bullock Yelled At A Fan In A Wheel Chair 12. Rachael Ray Yells At Audience Members 13. Guy Fieri Doesn't Like Gay People 14. Reese Witherspoon Uses Her Status To Get Out Of Tickets 15. Catherine Zeta Jones Is Unapologetically Rich 16. Adam Levine Won't Give Autographs To Ugly Girls 17. Rihanna Hit One Of Her Fans 18. Christian Bale Made A Little Girl Cry 19. Ariana Grande Licked Donuts And Didn't Pay For Them 20. Pierce Brosnan Pushed James Corden And His Wife 21. Mariah Carey Pretends To Not Know J.Lo 22. Tobey Maguire Is Rude To Waiters 23. Charlize Theron Steals Soul Cycle Spots 24. Tom Cruise Trash Talked Brooke Shields 25. Julia Roberts Is Rude On Set 26. Spike Lee Left In The Middle Of The 2019 Oscars 27. Mel Gibson Made Anti-Semitic Comments 28. Charlie Sheen Yells At His Manager 29. Katie Couric Bullies Her Coworkers 30. Ben Stiller Has Outbursts On Set 31. Gordon Ramsay Screams At People On And Off Television 32. Gwyneth Paltrow Is Considered A Diva With Crazy Demands 33. Johnny Depp Ruins Hotel Rooms 34. Mike Meyers Is Difficult To Work With 35. Bob Dylan Was Called Rude And Arrogant By Nobel Committee 36. DJ Khaled Is Sexist 37. Kristen Stewart Gets Into Fights On Set 38. Liv Tyler Doesn't Like Waiting In Lines 39. Steven Seagal Was Called A Bully By Co-Stars 40. Kevin James Won't Shake Fan's Hands

1. Ellen DeGeneres Is Rude To Staff And Guests

This might come as a huge shock to many considering how giving and kind Ellen DeGeneres appears on TV. Recently, many stories have come out about her and her behavior that goes on behind the scenes. Her former crew members have said that she won't look anyone in the eyes or acknowledge most of them behind the scenes.

DeGeneres also picks one person to be mean to each day on set. She has a bowl of mints outside of her office because she hates bad breath and will send someone home if their breath smells bad. Recently, she had Nikki De Jager, aka NikkiTutorials, on her show as a guest, and Nikki was the only guest not to get her own bathroom, and she was treated less than the other guests.

2. Christina Aguilera Insulted 'Voice' Contestants

A few years ago, Christina Aguilera was a judge onThe Voice.Her powerhouse vocals made her one of the best mentors for aspiring singers, but behind the scenes, she acted very differently.

She would sexually harass the male contestants, and she would yell at others for not paying close attention to her critiques. Aguilera would also ignore the contestants on her team behind the scenes and forget their names.

3. Jennifer Aniston Made Jay Mohr Cry

Jay Mohr worked with Jennifer Aniston for the moviePicture Perfect. He revealed on his podcast that the experience wasn't so pleasant. Mohr said Jennifer's behavior on set made him leave crying many times.

On the first day of filming, she screamed that she hated him and asked why they chose Mohr out of all the other choices. During the entire filming process Aniston bad-mouthed him.

4. Cameron Diaz Lectures Her Fans

Cameron Diaz is loved by so many fans for her roles in Bad Teacher, Charlie's Angels, andShrek. Fans would be glad to meet her, but those who have had the chance have been left disappointed.

When fans have met Diaz, they said she was rude and would lecture them about why it was pointless to ask for an autograph.

5. Zooey Deschanel Is Angry On Set

On the showNew Girl, Zooey Deschanel is quirky and sweet to everyone she meets, but people have said there is a different story behind the scenes. Coworkers have said she is a nightmare to be around.

Also, fans who have met Deschanel said she was snappy and dismissive. She likes to control things, and when they don't go her way, she throws a tantrum.

6. Amy Schumer Interrupts Other Comedians

Funny girl, Amy Schumer started out as a stand-up comedian in New York before she made it onto the big screen.After her big break, some of the fame might have made her forget where she came from.

Once, she interrupted another comedian's set so she could rehearse some jokes for her SNL appearance. The comedian had invited his friends and family to the show just to get interrupted by her.

7. James Corden Uses His Celebirty Status Too Often

The man who brought us Carpool Karaoke, Jame Corden, is widely popular for his sense of humor and British accent. While he is happy and goofy on TV, he is much different when the cameras aren't rolling.

On Reddit, people have said that he uses his celebrity status and reminds people often that he is famous. The fans who have met him have said he is entitled and arrogant.

8. Jennifer Lawrence Is Rude To Fans

If someone admits that they are rude, does that make it less offensive? Well, Jennifer Lawrence is one of the biggest names in Hollywood, and when Adam Sandler interviewed her, he asked how she deals with the spotlight.

Lawrence said she acts rude to avoid interacting with fans. She gives them dirty looks when she notices them approaching and always says no when they ask for a selfie.

9. Jennifer Lopez Refuses To Speak To Flight Attendants

Jennifer Lopez started her career with humble beginnings, but it seems that Jenny from the Block has let the fame go to her head.

While flying with United Airlines, the stewardess asked her what she wanted to drink, and J.Lo proceeded to ignore her. She then turned to her assistant to say, "tell her I want a diet co*ke with lime."

10. Jonah Hill Is Rude In Interviews

While Jonah Hill is usually seen as the funny loveable guy on screen, his personality in interviews is much different.

He was interviewed forRolling Stone Magazine, and during the interview, he called the questions dumb and irrelevant. In another interview, he insulted the show and the interviewer.

11. Sandra Bullock Yelled At A Fan In A Wheel Chair

From what people see in interviews, Sandra Bullock seems like a sweet person who would be happy to interact with her fans. The award-winning actress is surprisingly not so nice when people meet her.

A fan and her husband, who uses a wheelchair, saw her while she was filmingThe Heat. They kindly asked for an autograph, but she covered her face and yelled at them instead of being polite.

12. Rachael Ray Yells At Audience Members

On TV Rachael Ray seems like a sweetheart to everyone who comes to sit in the audience of her live cooking show. Her bubbly personality and loud demeanor are masking her rude actions.

30+ Celebrities Who Are Actually Rude In Real Life (12)

One fan who went to the show said Ray was annoyed that she had to film the show and greeted the audience coldly. She also rolled her eyes often.

13. Guy Fieri Doesn't Like Gay People

Guy Fieri has a large personality on TV, but that doesn't come without drama. During the filming forDiners, Drive-Ins, and DivesFieri left a restaurant because he thought the men that owned it were in a relationship.

After that, Fieri told the producer that he wouldn't "talk to gay people without a warning" because they weird him out.

14. Reese Witherspoon Uses Her Status To Get Out Of Tickets

When people think of Reese Witherspoon, they usually think of the sweet person she appears to be on TV. In 2013, she went through a rough patch when she and her husband were arrested.

Witherspoon asked the officer if he knew who she was and that he was going to be making national news. According to people who have worked with her, she is rude and doesn't like staff to make eye contact with her.

15. Catherine Zeta Jones Is Unapologetically Rich

Some people don't like to flaunt their wealth, while others enjoying doing it. Catherine Zeta Jones is one of those people who likes to remind everyone how rich she is.

During an interview, she said she would not apologize for her expensive red carpet looks and vast fortune. She even said that she is not humble and doesn't have to be. She has also said that she doesn't think a million pounds is a lot of money.

16. Adam Levine Won't Give Autographs To Ugly Girls

Adam Levine is known for being the heartthrob frontman of Maroon 5, and he is married to one of the most beautiful models in the world. Fans adore him, but he doesn't treat them all equally.

A fan once approached Levine for an autograph, but she was turned down because he "doesn't give autographs to ugly chicks." We can't all be supermodels, Adam!

17. Rihanna Hit One Of Her Fans

Rihanna has had a few incidents with her fans, but people still seem to think she is a sweet person. You might be shocked to find out that Rihanna once hit her fan over the head with a microphone when the girl reached her hand out at a concert.

On another occasion, Rihanna's fan posted a picture of her prom outfit that she handmade to look like a red carpet look Rihanna had worn in the past. Instead of giving encouraging words to her young fan, Rihanna made the girl the laughing stock of the internet and retweeted the best jokes about the outfit.

18. Christian Bale Made A Little Girl Cry

Christian Bale is known for being rude on set and having a diva complex, and that attitude carries over to his fan interactions. When his assistant wrote a tell-all book, it became well known that he would yell at young girls until they were in tears.

Also, when a fan sent Bale a letter, he told his publicist that the fan should be eliminated. Bale even came up with a very graphic way to get rid of this adoring fan.

19. Ariana Grande Licked Donuts And Didn't Pay For Them

Many people consider Ariana Grande to be America's sweetheart, but she isn't always an angel. The pop star was caught by security cameras in a bakery licking donuts on the counter and laughing about it with her friends.

Grande has been called a diva by many of her staff members, and she has her crew carry her when she is too tired to walk. The fame has undoubtedly gone to her head.

20. Pierce Brosnan Pushed James Corden And His Wife

Stars are not only rude to fans, but they are also mean to other celebrities. Late-night talk show host, James Corden, revealed that Pierce Brosnan was one of the rudest celebrities he had ever met.

Corden said he saw Brosnan at a U2 concert, and Pierce shoved Corden and his wife out of the way to get through the crowd. Brosnan didn't even apologize or look at them.

21. Mariah Carey Pretends To Not Know J.Lo

By now, most people know how much of a diva Mariah Carey is. She has been called out for yelling at staff and demanding too much from her assistants. Besides the people she pays, she is also not nice to other celebrities like Jennifer Lopez.

There is an ongoing joke about Mariah Carey claiming she doesn't know who Jennifer Lopez. It started in the 2000s when Carey was asked about J.Lo, and she famously replied, "I don't know her." Jennifer Lopez even went on a talk show to clarify that she had met Carey many times.

22. Tobey Maguire Is Rude To Waiters

When people go to restaurants, they might have special requests for waiters or waitresses because of dietary needs, but Tobey Maguire has special requests for his own amusem*nt.

When Maguire was at a poker tournament, people noticed that he was a horrible tipper, and he tried to trade a thousand-dollar chip so the waitress would "bark like a seal."

23. Charlize Theron Steals Soul Cycle Spots

Soul Cycle is an indoor cycling chain that is many celebrities enjoy going to for workouts, and it has a cult-like following. You have to sign up for the bikes days in advance because the classes sell out within an hour of opening.

Charlize Theron must think she is above everyone else when it comes to attending these classes because she arrives late and makes people get up from their bikes so she can take their spot.

24. Tom Cruise Trash Talked Brooke Shields

Tom Cruise is known for having outbursts and Scientology-based rants, but people may not know that he bashed other celebrities.

In 2005, Cruise bashed Brooke Shields for taking prescription medication to help with her post-partum depression. He also claimed that the medication was the reason her career stalled during that time.

25. Julia Roberts Is Rude On Set

Julia Roberts seems so sweet when she is interviewed on talk shows or red carpets, so it is hard to believe that she isn't pleasant to work with on set.

During the filming ofHook,Roberts would lock herself in her trailer for hours, and never apologize when she showed up hours later to set.

26. Spike Lee Left In The Middle Of The 2019 Oscars

Director Spike Lee has not had the best reputation when it comes to interacting with fans. Many people have written online about his visits to their college, and he would call people rednecks and racists.

Last year at the Oscars, he was so infuriated that his movie did not win best picture, so he got up in the middle of a speech and stormed out. Mind you; he had won best director for that movie.

27. Mel Gibson Made Anti-Semitic Comments

This is well known by many, but back in 2006, Mel Gibson went on an anti-semitic rant when he was being arrested for a DUI.

During that arrest, he called the female office "sugar breasts" along with other misogynistic slurs. He is not afraid to share that he does not like feminists and he does not believe men and women are equal.

28. Charlie Sheen Yells At His Manager

Charlie Sheen is known for his rants and tirades. He went off the deep end towards the end of filmingTwo and a Half Men. He was actually fired from the show after called the producer crude names and wishing him the worst.

Sheen gained more negative attention when he yelled at his manager, and he claimed that CBS owed him an apology for firing him and replacing him with Ashton Kutcher.

29. Katie Couric Bullies Her Coworkers

Katie Couric has had an incredibly successful career in broadcast journalism. She has made a name for herself on TV and behind the scenes for how she treats her coworkers.

On set, she is caddy and crude. She judges other people's clothing right before going on air. She acted like a bully and a mean girl, which led to people not wanting to work with her.

30. Ben Stiller Has Outbursts On Set

In some movies, we have seen Ben Stiller's characters have huge tantrums, but many people believe that it was just an act. Apparently, those who have met him say he is cold and egotistical in real life.

On the set of Meet the Fockers, he earned the nickname "little focker" because he was always unhappy unless he had someone constantly waiting on him.

31. Gordon Ramsay Screams At People On And Off Television

Gordon Ramsay is known for screaming at people on TV with his unique version of tough love. The people who know him in real life say he isn't much different.

Ramsay's former assistant manager in his London-based restaurant, Maze said he heard Ramsay yelling on the phone about chairs that had been ordered incorrectly.

32. Gwyneth Paltrow Is Considered A Diva With Crazy Demands

Gwyneth Paltrow is the owner and founder of the lifestyle brand Goop, which shows that she truly lives the life of the rich and famous. According to those who have worked with her, she has adopted a diva attitude.

Paltrow demands that the shower at the gym has to be cleaned and dried before she uses it because she can't touch someone else's shower water. Also, she was once at a restaurant where she read the menu, rudely claimed she couldn't eat anything, and left.

33. Johnny Depp Ruins Hotel Rooms

Much like his Pirates of the Caribbeancharacter, Johnny Depp volatile, reckless, and turbulent. Depp's former bodyguard filed multiple lawsuits against him for unpaid wages and poor working conditions.

In 1994, Depp destroyed a hotel room and tried to blame the damage on an armadillo. In 2018, he was sued by a location manager for punching him in the face.

34. Mike Meyers Is Difficult To Work With

The funnyman Mike Meyers may be hilarious on-screen, but behind the scenes, he is a nightmare to work with.

On the set ofCat in the Hat, he requested that someone follow him around and feed him chocolates. He also was always late to filming and would micromanage production.

35. Bob Dylan Was Called Rude And Arrogant By Nobel Committee

Fans of Bob Dylan love his music and praise his talent, but they do not know what he is really like to work with him. People who know him have said that he doesn't enjoy being in the spotlight and he is unpleasant to be around.

In 2016, Dylan won a Nobel prize for literature, but the committee called him rude and arrogant.

36. DJ Khaled Is Sexist

Dj Khaled had made some controversial statements when he was asked about his relationship with his wife. He said many misogynistic things like, "women should treat their men like kings," and "there are different rules for men and women."

His comments were not well received by the public, but Dj Khaled does not care what anyone thinks of him. He has never apologized for what he said and people shouldn't hold their breaths waiting for one.

37. Kristen Stewart Gets Into Fights On Set

Kristen Stewart generally has the demeanor that she doesn't care and is unbothered by everything. In 2018, she saw herself receiving a lot of backlashes online for being rude to people.

While filming the movie,Underwater, Stewart got into many fights on set which delayed production. Someone online went as far as saying she was a maniac.

38. Liv Tyler Doesn't Like Waiting In Lines

As someone who grew up living the Hollywood lifestyle, Steven Tyler's daughter Liv Tyler is no stranger to the finer things in life. She has been privileged since she was born, and that has affected the way she acts towards other people.

One fan saw her at the Museum of Modern Art in Los Angeles, and there was a long line to get in. Tyler marched up to the front and demanded to be let in before everyone else. The security said she had to make prior arrangements even as a VIP, and that didn't sit well with her. She threw a tantrum and stormed off.

39. Steven Seagal Was Called A Bully By Co-Stars

During the 1980s, Steven Seagal made a name for himself because of his muscular build and similarities to Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme. Eventually he was no longer associated with those people because he was closely compared to a bully and a jerk.

Seagal openly criticized other people and became the most hatedSaturday Night Livehost according to David Spade. He was difficult to work with and would make rude remarks about the writers and the cast.

40. Kevin James Won't Shake Fan's Hands

For all the fans ofKing of QueensandKevin Can Wait, you might be shocked to know that Kevin James isn't like his loveable self in real life.

James does not have respect for those who aren't at his celebrity status level. A fan once saw him at a pizza place and tried to shake his hand, but James swatted it away and walked away.

30+ Celebrities Who Are Actually Rude In Real Life (2024)
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