Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 1 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 1 (1)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - June 22, 1959, Dunkirk-Fredonia, New YorkZistl Dunkirk evening observer changeable pm 63000 established 1882complbtfi wire service of the United press Rath Guys press 44 Dunkirk Tedoni june Ift Day generally Tow deaf idler in High Light of Troh 4 16 cents steelworkers getting ready for strike raw materials pipelines being furnaces banked Carlino has opposition in speakers race by Andrew Puruell Ohio Fuji steelmakers Are preparing for a walkout because Union and inf gement negotiators Are still far Weie t 1 u n4 Toimi i i i apart after six weeks of bargain steel Magazine said today that the producers already have taken the initial step by cleaning out raw material to begin banking furnaces the National metalworking weekly said steelmakers were to be Girt banking furnaces within a few production already has started to taper Mills operated at per cent of capacity last a drop of the output was about tons of steel for ingots and the Louis which operated at 89 per showed a while the biggest reported by the Magazine said steelmakers labor Settle ment thai require higher but since both sides were on the neither expected total concessions needed a possible solution mentioned was concessions by the United steelworkers on operating proce dures in Exchange for a Small wage most observers predicted thai loss of pay would be the most noticeable strike unless it lasted More than eight the steel if they Wulk off july would lose 213 million dollars in wages in a four week strike 321 million dollars in six and 430 million dollars in base pay if the walkout lasted eight the weekly said that a six week work stoppage would do Little More than put a Dent in Indus trial production and would hard affect third Quarter Gross Valiona that because Mosi Meel users have planned Wincn lories for at least a six week rails face hard blow of probably the hardest hit Industry would be the if there is no settlement by King of courier new president of state editors cananda1gua ii pc executive editor of the Buffalo will be the up1 about 40jnpw president of the new York upstate republicans showed up to stale society of newspaper Edi any for a Stop Carlino meeting organized by Veteran Assembly Man Leo Lawrence of her i King was selected today by the committee to succeed mar to Block the Nassau president Norman nearly nil mated us of the Oslo members in the steel Industry would be in and a Large segment of the Metal fabricating plants would be closed for Lack of steels composite on 1 heavy melting steel scrap Rose a toil last week to this was the fourth consecutive weekly Advance and lifted the Market to the highest level since legislators bid for the Assembly vacant the number was More than the assemblyman had hoped he Cut invitations to 68 and before Hie meeting that he hoped 25 or 30 would the group arriving included Wil Liam Mac Kunzic of chairman of the powerful Assem Bly ways and Means commit tee Eugene god lard of Rochester and Charles Choc Nick both of whom figured in the Abor Tive Infra party revolt against governor Rockefeller lax pro Gram earlier this year Ernest curio of Niagara and Char Les Cusick of negotiators say there unaware of suggested settlement plan by James Kilgallen new York up top Industry and Union steel negotiators today denied any knowledge of a report from Washington that Federal officials have suggested a Compromise settlement plan in the prolonged Industry labor Dis according to the the proposal would concentrate labor gains in pensions and welfare rather than in a wage both David pres ident of the United steelworkers Union of and Conrad executive vice president of steel said they knew nothing of any such plan As they resumed negotiations at the Roosevelt hotel All i know is what i read in the said Cooper spoke up we also know nothing of any such deadline nears the top level negotiators now have Only eight Days to reach an agreement on a new contract be fore the june strike Cooper told newsmen he in tends to go to Washington late to Day and see Joseph director of the Federal Media Tion and conciliation i will simply visit with Finne Gan to bring him up to Date on developments in the said Cooper will be accompanied to Washington by Roger chairman of the Board of but Blough will not participate in Coopers conference with Gromyko pleads for objective approach to Berlin situation up foreign minister Andrei Gromyko sunday called on the West to Lake an objective approach to the Kremlin Petou Tomberlin pro he then flew Back to mos cow to report to Premier Nikita Khrushchev on the deadlocked big four Gromyko was the last of the big four foreign leave Geneva for the soviet proposals boiled Down to what the West considered an ultimatum to get out of West Berlin in 18 the United Britain and France consistently have made it Clear they will not be cowed by soviet threats and abandon West Berlin to the ministers formally began a three week Cooling off recess yester Day after six weeks of fruitless ministers to the i South of the Border new York mexican fishermen docked a record shrimp catch of metric tons last 26 per cent More than in the usually Glun faced soviet of foreign minister was smiling and affable when he boarded a sleek soviet four engined Turboprop Airliner for the flight to but an Airport he left Little doubt Russia wants the West to get out of Berlin on its the carefully worded state ment which Gromyko read in flu ent English he had employed russian throughout the sem pub according to the mexican Bureau of the Bureau noted that the value of mexican shrimp imports last year totalled nearly under terms of the life imprisonment the imprisoned men could apply for parole As Early As six months after sen Lic and private talks with the be8jnsbul such cases Western foreign ministers is extreme y rare for any con sure to provide ammunition for the communist propaganda out the ministers conference is in in a Short recess until july Gromyko on the eve of the recess we submitted propos als which in the soviet delegations belief constitute a Good basis for we would like to express the Hope that the Western Powers will display an objective approach and will not raise obstacles to an America leery of her new position fort new Margaret Priebe of Des admits Shes a Little Wor ried about her title As Queen of the nations the 36yearold Mother of four explained sunday she is afraid that her friends Back going to expect her to be the perfect in just she said there Are undoubtedly Many belter Home makers than i wont be a bit different be cause of but everyone is go me to be a perfect i wont be Able to afford to leave one thing out of place at my and that go ing to be impossible with four children running Priebe was named America saturday night Over 50 other top homemakers from every Sale and the District of column and she said she still cant believe her Good shoes have been Cut in left and right shapes less than a Side ration to be Given the request before that they were identical in under 10 rights and very latest Washington up White House press Secretary James Hagerly entered Walter heed army Hospital today for an appendicitis operation in be performed this Hollywood de attorney Jerry Giesler said today he has been retained to investigate he shooting Donloh of actor George Tele visions Helen los Char Bessolo of contacted Gic scr and said she wanted a Complete investigation into her sons death last i just cant believe Corgo would commit she police snid Reeves took Bis own life in his Benedict can Yon Washington Yorks Republican senators have joined gop National chairman Thriston Morton in urging the president to get out and fight for his foreign civil incl other be Baton up Louisiana waited anxiously today for Earl Long to make his move o get out of a mental Hospital and Back in political Henchman picked by Long to do the Legal blocking for him was in court on another Case this morning in Only a few Miles from the state Hospital at Mandev Lluc where the governor was confined As a schizophrenic Washington Joseph Omahoney d has suffered a mild stroke and is under treatment at both esd naval his office disclosed his physician snid the sen Ator is reacting very Well to treatment and his chances of recovery Are encourage Washington the Senate loony confirmed with out objection the nomination of Emmett Rosic for promotion to the rank of general and appointment As commander of the air Force in the the weather Pale june condition temperatures during last 24 hours 3 78 11 70 7 65 4 80 midnite 66 8 62 78 1 66 9 62 6 80 2 66 10 62 7 74 3 66 11 62 8 74 4 70 noon 64 9 70 5 70 1 64 10 70 6 68 2 62 Sun sets today at i Les tomorrow at at at 2 precipitation during the last 24 hours As recorded at the Niagara Mohawk steam station rain gauge u of an phases of the Moon a Law first full last june 27 6 12 pro june 14 june 30 1 53 urn j22 Aoi 4pm tempera Tviet Roy who frequently caddies for president Eisenhower at Gettysburg country displays he he chief executive gave him yesterday for going o Roy and Hii who Are went o the presidents the Gettysburg and As it Roy turned up too late to Caddy for having to potted Roy Church and Learned u was not his regular the president gave Roy Bill whet the chief executive came u from editor of dockland county journal news of other officers picked for i95ngo include Leonard managing editor of the Syracuse pos Stan vice and for Tel managing editor of the Saratoga Roc the Board of dire Dors includes sum managing editor of the new York journal american Vincent executive editor of the Gannott news Charles of the citizen Nyrl the today session was opened with panel discussions of suburb an coverage and newspaper pro the panels were led Robert managing editor of the Albany Knickerbocker and Hamilton managing editor of Niagara fails governor Rockefeller will address the society Lake drained in search for Little 5 big Indian caught their first glimpse the Muddy Bottom of Lake Winni Sook today but could see no signs of 5yearold David who has missing in this Cal skill area for More than a stale police said nothing so far As the water level of the Lake continued about 30 troopers and 100 other searchers were at the scene of the boys As draining of the Lake neared an searchers already were being sent out to retrace heavily wooded areas already a state Forest service Survey angers and game protectors supervised the Headquarters said Abonit 50 men were sent including 30 Marine reservists from the rest were troopers and Mem of the stale conservation de the Job of draining the Lake was begun shortly before noon sunday after divers and daggers failed to find Davids body in earlier Herter to Tell Geneva Story to tuesday of state Christian inert or right briefs president else Shower House this morning on deadlocked Geneva it the White Al open Hearth hit by strike Pittsburgh up the open Hearth department at Jones Laughlin steel South Side Plant was closed today by a Wildcat Between and pm Grassy plots up allow grass in shaded areas of your sawn to grow slightly longer than n the sunbathe experts of ice Point out that products absorbed by the Grans roots Are converted into growth promoting i riels by the suns since this process is slower in the the grass should be longer ploys of the open Hearth depart ment walked off their jobs on the Midnight shift in a dispute Over incentive they Are members of United steelworkers local 1272 Tome local of us president David pickets it the plants three gales permitted employees of other departments to enter on the mid night and l the plan employs a total of about the first pickets appeared at he plan at to some pickets also appeared a the company Plant across the Monongahela River but were withdrawn after a Brick there were no pickets at the Hazelwood Plant a company spokesman sonic closing of the open Hearth depart ment meant no ingots Are being employees of Oiler depart ments will continue to work As Long is Here is steel to work but there is not much sice stockpiled at a the spokes Man covers the Welland canal shut big ship pileup in making situation Bleak the and canal May be closed for two or three Days before repairs to lock 4 Here can be wei1 last passed through the water Way before it was closed sunday morning for repair Ellis said Wood Sills on the floor More than 45 ships were stack of the Dow bound lock have to up tonight Al the Lake replaced to prevent water Send Lake Erie entrances to the anal As a result of the closing at 9 this the situation is expected to Worsen As More ships arrive at he entrances each included Mong these is the Vanguard of 8 Navy ships on a cruise to Ireat lakes cities in operation land Caping when the Gates Are workers noticed yesterday that Winter was leaving the lock when it was a diver was sent Down to investigate and reported an obstruction entered Between the Gates and preventing he Gates from closing Sill dislodged As a the 40foot depth of 4 White rapists sentenced to life up four while youths Convis Loil of the rape of a Xor pro College Cooil were loony to life the ranging in age from j6 to were convicted of inking sea the girl from her negro Dale on the night of her College Spring for Mal dance and raping her seven the jury recommended without which the judge would have been required to give them the death circuit judge May Walker pronounced sentence at and the youths were immediately whisked off to the stale prison at they Are Patrick Wilson 01 lies and David jury recommended mercy the youths were convicted june ii Flor a four Day under terms of the Jurys con the judge could have imposed sentences anywhere from a few years to no White person Over has been sent t0 the chair for raping a negro in but 37 negroes have paid that Price for assaulting White women luring the past 25 no Advance word the courtroom was nearly no Advance word had been Given of sentencing and Only the lawyers and relatives of the four youths were on along with a few two witnesses in a Case to come up water in the watched from the segregated bal collinsworlh4 attractive blonde holding her 2yearold boy in Ier Oroke Down and sob the four youths admitted in the first three naval ships were water pressing against the Gale scheduled to pass Over the of the this Al Valon Vay an additional Lowed the wafer to escape from free ships Are scheduled to use the when the Gates be canal each Day thereafter rough july except near Fri a and two of the Navy ships were scheduled to visit Dunkirk this but it appeared unlikely Ley would arrive on the Landing ship san Marcos As to arrive at Dunkirk wed cuday for a six Day visit and cargo ship Oglethorpe was scheduled to arrive thursday for five Day the canal was closed at 9 son a morning to repair damage in 4 Paul ii Northern Ellis said after the water is drained in the canal Between locks 3 and the Sills on the floor of the damaged lock will have to be drilled out and replaced with new Sills set in fresh con he said the Oak Timber 14 inches by 16 inches by 2fi Are on signed confessions thai they abducted the Nineteen year old negro coed Al gunpoint May and the name of the rape victim is protected from Publica Ion by Florida judge solemn judge whose conduct of he sensational trial has drawn raise from Whites and negroes was solemn As he told the four Young men to stand for sen have you anything to say As to Why judgment should not be pro he each answered in a Quiel voice no the youths showed no emotion As i to judge told each he must spend the rest of his natural life in although Collinsworth cried like a baby earlier when his wife and child rushed up to not a sound there was not a sound in the courtroom As judge who has two teenage sons of his asked each of the defendants in turn have you Ever heard of the supreme ruled of the universe no each Thuc supreme ruler in by Dickinson Washington up Secre of is ate Christian Herter Ninnin med of tar an hour Long Scronce with president or today that to will make a Tele vision to the american pc Plo tuesday night Oil us non ii crier met Wilh Eisenhower and undersecretary Douglas Dillon nit n White House breakfast lie said his a Nikiti to in general term ind ind Lorl in evaluation of where w arc in the deadlocked foreign ministers negotiation the while hom*o announced Lini Motler will spank tuesday Bilhl irom i to out till the major radio networks jiul Over the Abc and lbs Tele vision no his remarks also will to role Lemm at on l ii Abc television Tho acc Dolnry said he would make a detailed Public report by television tuesday details of hip i Orler will be announced reporters asked Herter what he l bought of prospects for a sum Mit moot ing this hazards no estimate Tho Secretary declined to Haz Ard in but said a sum Mit conference was not discussed with the russians at All during the Geneva this was in line with Eisenhowe ers repeated Public position that there must be some measurable Progress at the foreign ministers conference As a preliminary to any top level meeting of the major it was understood that Herter gave Eisenhower an expert on the scone evaluation of current russian tactics As reflected i Herter flew Back from Europe sunday with the firm belief that russian aim is the absorption of West Berlin and West Germany into the communist he was expected to report later to the House and Senate foreign affairs the president Jim ii our in the judge told he is the hrs scheduled a Cabinet meet one to whom you should direct your May he offer you the sentencing today came As a attorneys in the Case had until june 29 to file a motion for a new the youths and their families decided not to Appeal in order to get started As soon As possible on the ing for Early conservation measure Robert Stafford signed into a Bill to protect Vermont famed covered it re quires local officials to give the governor and historic Sites com Mission 90 clays notice before moving or destroying a covered murderers go souls barbaras daughter screams at newsmen As funeral services Are held Endicott bar actually attended the he Host of the notorious Apa Lachin Gangland was buried today amidst pouring rain and the echoes of his daughters violent screaming at news report ers and murderers and ghouls were among the bitter words hurled by Angela As the Funer Al procession prepared to leave rom the Barbara she re used to enter a car and shouted o Haven you got a guilty conscience youre the ones who really killed Only 4 delegates on hand the wife of an undertaker finally quieted her enough to get her into the saying Slop that what there waiting As the car drove miss Barbara continued to shout similar remarks out the win and who died last wednes Day of a heart was buried with Only four of the Dele Gates to the notorious 1957 meet ing noted among the All four area Thony guv Eman Uel Patsy and Bartolo Only Zicari safety first Hollywood up los when the cause of the water Jet to Danei seepage iss discern l903 pm night two ships were add 901 in lock they were backed out Vou have been convicted of a and sent through the water in the j very serious an offence Angeles fire Laws barred director Jack Sher from burning Down a unbound the lock system Here has the superintendent of Only twin flight or two Way Pas along the both flights Are included in the Section being while the work was under More than 30 slu*ts were up at port Weller on Lake on of the estimated the waterway vill be closed three to four he estimated it will take that Ong to Drain a two mile Sec Lioi f the canal and repair the lock three ships in the canal sys saturday night were another col Horne or in of horrible and deplorable Cir judge Walker facing the four Young men who had never been in trouble the court feels sorry for the prosecutor in the negro victim on which this crime was com you Are fortunate that the jury were supposed to serve As part of the scenery in Universal inter National the wild and inno Shakespeare plays were 15 were in port this court listed separately during his life Lake Erie on the tried Many cases of rape in time in what Are known As Sher had his technicians take Down the Structure set fire to one part at a time in the safety of a fire roofed build ing and then put them Back to Gether end of the 1 which the electric chair was was a pall the other were at the House before the funeral procession to Anthony at Paduas roman Catholic Church widow is composed in contrast to her widow could not be heard to May a word through the entire pro but she sobbed she was escorted by her older Joseph the Church was Only about filled for the requiem mass that lasted a there were 3 priests on the including Paul assistant Pas who also said the final Pray ers at the rain pelted the canopy so heavily that father Brigandi had to raise his voice to be Endicott detectives took Down some License numbers of and said they would Check them there were about 16 mourners cars in procession leaving the police said five Cadillac were loaned by a dealer in Steu Ben county and seven Flower can were borrowed from a Vania Silver plated coffin at Calvary cemetery in nearby Johnson miss Barbara led against she said she wanted to kiss her Good Barbara was buried in a placed the base of a cop per had been lowered into the grave before the the top was left at the Side of the he was buried close to Thi grave of a who died in 1937 at the age of a two foot Monument on hot grave is topped by an about 200 Floral pieces had to the Barbara of the largest being a White and Blue carnations de with a 4 Niton inscribed Pete and of barbaras to;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 1 (2024)
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