The Best Deer Feeders for 2023 (2024)

In the nuanced world of wildlife observation and hunting, understanding and influencing animal patterns can make all the difference. Deer, majestic and elusive, can be particularly challenging to predict. Yet, with the right tools, one can strategically attract these graceful creatures.The deer feeders - not just instruments of lure but a testament to human ingenuity in aligning with nature's rhythms. This article ventures into the landscape of deer feeders, spotlighting the very best that the market has to offer. Whether you're a game warden, a passionate hunter, or a wildlife enthusiast, join us as we uncover the secrets behind the top deer feeders, ensuring every encounter with these magnificent animals is nothing short of extraordinary.If you are interested you can read what ismust have best hunting gear for every hunter.

The Best Deer Feeders for 2023 (1)

Content Table

  • The Importance of a Quality Deer Feeder
  • Types of deer feeders in 2023
  • Key Features to Look for in a Deer Feeder
  • Best Automatic Deer Feeder
  • Best Tripod Deer Feeder
  • Best Gravity Deer Feeder
  • The Best Hanging Deer Feeder
  • FAQ's
  • Final Thoughts

The Importance of a Quality Deer Feeder

A deer feeder is more than just a tool, it's an investment in your hunting, wildlife observation, or conservation efforts. The importance of its quality transcends basic functionality. Here's why opting for a quality deer feeder is paramount:

Consistency in Attraction

Deer are creatures of habit. When they find a reliable food source, they tend to revisit it. A quality deer feeder ensures that feed is consistently available, drawing deer back time and again.

Protection from Elements

A well-built feeder resists the elements – be it rain, snow, or the scorching sun. This not only maintains the integrity of the feed inside but also ensures the longevity of the feeder itself.

Safety and Selectivity

The right deer feeder dispenses food in a manner that's accessible to deer but discourages access by non-target species. This selectivity ensures that you're not unintentionally feeding or attracting unwanted animals.

Economic Value

While the initial cost might be higher, quality feeders often pay off in the long run. Their durability means fewer replacements and repairs. Moreover, they waste less feed, providing more value for every pound of feed you purchase.

Observation and Hunting Efficiency

For those using feeders to observe wildlife or for hunting, a quality feeder helps pattern deer movements more predictably. This enhances the likelihood of spotting a deer during your observation sessions or hunts.

Contribution to Conservation

In areas where natural food sources are scarce, especially during harsh winters, a reliable feeder can be a lifeline for deer populations. By ensuring they have access to a consistent food source, you're playing a role in supporting and maintaining a healthy deer population.

Ease of Maintenance

Quality deer feeders are designed with the user in mind. They are easier to refill, clean, and maintain, reducing the hassle for the user and ensuring that the feeder remains an effective tool for years to come.

In essence, while it might be tempting to cut corners and opt for a cheaper alternative, the benefits of a quality deer feeder make it an indispensable asset for anyone serious about their wildlife-related pursuits. Whether you're aadvanced hunter, a wildlife enthusiast, or someone who simply enjoys the serenity of watching deer, investing in a quality feeder elevates your experience and contributes positively to the environment.

The Best Deer Feeders for 2023 (2)

Types of deer feeders in 2023

If you're serious about hunting, you know it's more than just pulling the trigger, it's about strategy, patience, and understanding your game. And, let's face it, the right deer feeder can be your best ally in the field. So let's get into the nitty-gritty of feeders from our experience.

Gravity/Free-Choice Feeders:

  • Description: Simple and straightforward. Feed drops as the deer eat. No batteries, no fuss.
  • Honest Take: It's a slow play. Don't expect instant results, but over time, you'll pattern deer visiting regularly. If you're patient and play your cards right, it's consistent. Downside? Critters love them as much as deer do.

Electronic/Timer-Based Feeders:

  • Description: Programmed feeding times with an electronic brain at the helm.
  • Honest Take: It’s like setting an alarm clock for the deer. If you know when they're most active, you can time your hunts to perfection. Just remember, electronics can fail. Check your batteries and settings frequently, especially in extreme weather.

Tripod Feeders:

  • Description: Tall, stands on three legs, and often combines the best of electronic and gravity feeders.
  • Honest Take: The height is a double-edged sword. It keeps pests at bay but also makes refilling a bit of a chore. And in windy conditions? Make sure it's anchored well.

Hanging Feeders:

  • Description: Dangle from trees or structures. Compact and mobile.
  • Honest Take: Handy for those hard-to-reach spots. But, if you pick a flimsy branch, you might find your feeder on the ground. And always use a pulley system or a buddy—save your back.

Trough Feeders:

  • Description: Open containers, often at ground level.
  • Honest Take: It's like laying out a buffet. You'll see a lot of action, but also a lot of wasted feed. Watch out for those sneaky raccoons and other critters. Consider this if you're hunting in a group or planning long sits.

Manger Feeders:

  • Description: Elevated with barriers, like a buffet table off the ground.
  • Honest Take: Reduces waste and gets feed off the damp ground. But if it's not sturdy, a determined buck might just topple it over.

In the end, it's all about understanding your environment and the deer's habits. All these feeders have their perks and pitfalls. Consider your hunting goals, the terrain, and how much effort you're willing to put into maintenance. One thing's for sure: the right feeder can make your season. Choose wisely, and may your patience and strategy reward you with that perfect shot.

It depends on the individual needs. We will go over popular deer feeders and look at a few models that we use and the best sellers from our store to help you pick the one that best fits your needs without spending too much money. We will answer some questions that we get from our customers to assist you along the way.

The Best Deer Feeders for 2023 (3)

Key Features to Look for in a Deer Feeder: A Hunter's Guide

To the untrained eye, deer feeders might all look the same. But as an experienced hunter, you know that details matter. So when it comes to choosing a feeder for your next hunt, what should you be looking at? Let’s break this down:


  • Description: The feeder's ability to stand strong against weather, animals, and time.
  • Hunter’s Take: Plastic deer feeders can be tempting because of their lightweight nature and often lower cost. However, they might not always be the best choice in terms of longevity, especially when facing the elements or an insistent buck.


  • Description: How much feed the contraption can hold at a given time.
  • Hunter’s Take: High-capacity feeders mean fewer refills, but there's a balance. Consider the logistics of hauling feed, especially if you're venturing deep into the woods. Sometimes a moderate-capacity feeder might be a better bet, especially for those hard-to-reach spots.

Scent Dispersion:

  • Description: The spread of the feed's aroma to attract deer.
  • Hunter’s Take: Deer have a keen sense of smell. A deer feeder is an excellent tool only if the scent can travel without being overwhelming. Remember, deer are less likely to approach if something feels off.

Efficient Feed Dispensing:

  • Description: The mechanism and efficiency with which feed is made available.
  • Hunter’s Take: Some feeders are pretty good at doling out feed without waste, while others might leave half of it on the ground. Think about it – you want to be able to feed deer, not just the ground.

Safety & Wildlife Protection:

  • Description: How the feeder prevents unintended animals from accessing the feed.
  • Hunter’s Take: While feeders are great for deer, they can also attract other wildlife. Especially if you’re in an area with both deer and elk, make sure your feeder caters to your specific target. And let’s not even talk about those sneaky raccoons.

Ease of Use:

  • Description: The user-friendliness of the feeder.
  • Hunter’s Take: Since this feeder will be your tool in the wild, you want it to be as straightforward as possible. No complicated settings or mechanisms – just good, efficient functionality.

Stealth and Camouflage:

  • Description: How well the feeder blends into its surroundings.
  • Hunter’s Take: It doesn't matter if one is best in terms of features; if it can't blend in, it's no good. Your local deer population has an instinctual wariness. A feeder that sticks out might deter rather than attract.

When scouting for your next deer feeder, remember to tailor your choice to both the environment and the specifics of the local deer or elk population. Whether you lean towards plastic feeders or more robust materials, whether you want high capacity or something more discrete, the goal remains effective, efficient feeding that enhances your hunting experience.


Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I recently got the Wildgame Quick Set 225 Feeder, and it's made a world of difference in my outdoor experiences. Setting it up was a breeze, and it's incredibly user-friendly. With its generous 225-pound capacity, I spend less time refilling and more time enjoying the outdoors. The timer function keeps feeding times on point, making it perfect for hunting or wildlife observation. Highly recommended!

Best Automatic Deer Feeder -Wildgame Quick Set 225 Feeder

The Wildgame Quick Set 225 Feeder is a game-changer for those serious about deer hunting. With a substantial 225-pound capacity, this feeder ensures that you won't be constantly trudging back and forth to refill the feeder, letting you focus more on the hunt. The design is intuitive and efficient, ensuring a steady stream of feed that attracts a significant number of deer. Strategically place it in your hunting location, and watch as the area around the feeder becomes a hotspot of deer activity.

What We Like (Key Features):

  • Generous Capacity: With a 225-pound holding capacity, this feeder stands out among the competition. It means less manual labor for you and more consistent feeding for the deer.
  • Easy to Use: Its user-friendly design means even a beginner can set it up with ease. It's all about focusing on the hunt, not fumbling with equipment.
  • Efficient Feed Dispensing: The automatic mechanism ensures that the feed is dispensed efficiently and at regular intervals, maintaining a steady attraction for deer.
  • Sturdy Construction: Built to withstand the elements and the occasional roughhousing from wildlife, ensuring longevity and performance throughout the hunting season.

What We Don't Like:

  • Size & Portability: While its capacity is impressive, the size of the feeder can make it cumbersome to transport, especially in more remote or difficult terrains.
  • Battery Dependency: Being automatic means reliance on batteries. In colder climates, battery life can diminish faster, which could impact its performance if not monitored.
  • Noise Level: Some users have reported a slightly louder operation than some other models, which might spook skittish deer if not acclimated over time.

Best Tripod Deer Feeder – Moultrie Deer Standard Tripod Feeder

The Moultrie Deer Standard Tripod Feeder is arguably one of the standout deer feeders of 2023. Tailored specifically for enthusiasts who prioritize reliability and effectiveness, this tripod deer feeder is meticulously designed to feed deer without the unnecessary hassles. With its well-structured base, it stands firm on the best ground types, ensuring consistency in deer feeding. While it might require you to refill the feeder more often compared to some high-capacity feeders, its design and effectiveness make it a worthy contender among the top deer feeders on the market.


Mike T., Seasoned Outdoorsman:

Alright, so I've tried a bunch of tripod feeders over the years, but the Moultrie Deer Standard Tripod Feeder takes the cake. First off, setting it up? A breeze. And it's pretty stable, even on uneven ground. I've also noticed less waste since the spread pattern is spot on. Weather-wise, it's held up and hasn't given me any issues. If you're in the market for a solid, reliable tripod deer feeder, this one by Moultrie is a no-brainer. Happy hunting, folks!

What We Like (Key Features):

  • Stability: The tripod design ensures that the feeder stands firm, even on uneven terrains, making it adaptable to various hunting locations.
  • Specifically Designed: This feeder is precisely designed to feed deer, ensuring that every grain counts and no feed is wasted.
  • Ease of Setup: Its user-friendly design means hunters can set it up quickly, letting them focus more on the hunt itself.
  • Reliable Dispensing Mechanism: It's consistent in dispensing feed, ensuring that deer get a steady supply, which in turn keeps them returning.

What We Don't Like:

  • Refill Frequency: Due to its design, it might not hold as much as some other capacity feeders, meaning potentially more trips to refill.
  • Visibility: Being a tripod, it stands out a bit more compared to ground or low-profile feeders. This might require more strategic placement or additional camouflaging efforts.
  • Weight: Depending on the material and design specifics, tripod feeders can sometimes be heavier, making them slightly more challenging to transport.

When choosing the right deer feeder, it's essential to consider the specific needs of your hunting grounds and habits. The Moultrie Deer Standard Tripod Feeder, with its unique design and reliability, certainly makes a compelling case for those looking for effectiveness and reliability.

The Best Gravity Deer Feeder -Moultrie Bag Feeder Pine Bark Camo

Emerging as a frontrunner in the best deer feeder reviews for 2023, the Moultrie Bag Feeder in Pine Bark Camo is a testament to simplicity, efficiency, and design. As a ground feeder, it makes for an accessible feeding point, ensuring deer can feed with ease. Its camouflage design seamlessly blends with the natural environment, making it an excellent choice for those looking to feed deer on private lands or prepare deer for hunting. Unlike other models that require complicated setup, this gravity feeder takes the hassle out of the process, allowing for an uncomplicated, effective baiting method.

What We Like (Key Features):

  • Ease of Setup: The gravity-based design means you can just set up the feeder without any mechanical complications, making it ideal for all, from novices to seasoned hunters.
  • Camouflage Design: The Pine Bark Camo not only looks good but ensures the feeder doesn’t alert or spook deer. They can eat without being on high alert.
  • No Batteries or Timers: Gravity does all the work, ensuring a consistent feed without the need for electrical components.
  • Adaptable: Its design makes it one of the feeders that are best suited for various terrains, whether dense woods or open clearings.

What We Don't Like:

  • Limited Capacity: Being a bag feeder, its capacity might be less than some other models, meaning more frequent refills might be needed.
  • Vulnerability: Since it's a ground feeder, it can be more susceptible to pests and other wildlife.
  • Weather Dependency: Exposed feed might get wet in rainy conditions, leading to potential waste or spoilage.

For hunters keen on using a feeder to bait deer for hunting, ensuring you have the right tool is crucial. The Moultrie Bag Feeder in Pine Bark Camo makes sure the feeder serves its purpose while blending effortlessly into its surroundings, making it a top choice for many this hunting season.

The Best Hanging Deer Feeder -Moultrie Deer Feeder Feed Station II

Stepping up its game in the world of hanging deer feeders, the Moultrie Feed Station II Hanging Feeder proves to be a force to reckon with. Made for the discerning Texas hunter who knows that not all deer feeders come equal, this unit provides an optimal feeding solution that's both efficient and versatile. It's perfectly designed to accommodate different deer, ensuring they get the best bang for the buck when it comes to deer food. Thanks to its hanging design, deer to feed beneath it will find it much easier to access their meals compared to when deer feeders are exposed at ground level.

What We Like (Key Features):

  • Optimal Height: The design allows you to hang the feeder at just the right height, ensuring easy access for deer while deterring pests.
  • Efficiency: Ensures a steady and consistent feed dispersion, making sure different deer species can benefit without waste.
  • Durability: Made with the tough outdoors in mind, it stands up to the elements ensuring longevity and consistent performance.
  • Flexibility: Whether you're in the deep woods or the Texan plains, the design ensures feeders are best positioned for maximum deer attraction.

What We Don't Like:

  • Limited Capacity: Due to its hanging design, it might not carry as much feed as some ground-based counterparts, possibly requiring more frequent refills.
  • Positioning Challenges: Depending on where you’re setting up, finding the perfect tree or point to hang the feeder can be a challenge.
  • Exposure to Elements: Being elevated means it might be more exposed to elements like wind, potentially causing some feed to disperse unevenly.


John H., Veteran Hunter:

I've been hunting for years, and I've used my fair share of deer feeders. The Moultrie Deer Feeder Feed Station II? Hands down, the best hanging feeder I've come across. It's easy to hang, which is great for keeping out raccoons and other pests. The thing holds a good amount, so I'm not always out there refilling it. Plus, it's sturdy, even in rough weather. As for the feed distribution, it's just consistent and doesn't jam. Honestly, Moultrie nailed it with this one. Highly recommend!

For hunters searching for a top-tier hanging feeder, the Moultrie Feed Station II doesn’t disappoint. It promises efficiency, and flexibility, and is certainly a contender for those who believe feeders are best when hung above ground, ensuring a clear and comfortable space for deer to gather.


What do deer feed on?

If you want to feed your deer and ensure they get a nutritious diet, it's essential to understand their natural feeding habits. Deer predominantly graze on grasses and forbs, especially during the verdant spring and summer seasons. As seasons transition, they are inclined towards 'browse', which encompasses twigs, shoots, and leaves from trees like oak, cedar, and dogwood. For those who aim to attract the best type of deer to their vicinity, deer feeders are great tools. These feeders can be filled with a mix of grains, salts, and minerals that not only lure deer but offer them supplementary nutrition. Incorporating attractants like apple or acorn scents can further mimic their favorite food sources, making your feeding spot even more enticing.

Will deer feed in rain?

Weather conditions like rain can influence the behavior of many deer, but it doesn't necessarily deter them from feeding. Mild or light rain might even encourage deer to get out and forage, as the coolness can be refreshing and the quieter landscape allows them to move with more discretion. However, heavy downpours might reduce their activity temporarily. The type of feeder in use can also play a role. Elevated or covered feeders might still attract deer as they offer some protection from the rain, ensuring that the feed remains dry. It's essential to note that while some deer might be hesitant to feed during rain, others might find it an opportune time, so it varies.

What is the best deer attractant?

The Best Deer Feeders for 2023 (8)

Deers could come to feed if you through some apples on the edge of the field, but these days are so much better options available. Modern attractants have strong odors to attract the deer, while others offer flavors that deer can’t resist.Some attractants are available throughout the year, while others are much more fruitful during specific times in the hunting season. Tip - Look for brands that have bioavailable trace minerals, so deer can absorb them—brands like Big and J, Wild Game with its Sweet and Savory Arome.

What is the Best Capacity for a Deer Feeder?

With access to sizable land and a large deer population may go for a feeder with a large capacity. Some models hold a capacity of 300 pounds or even more. On smaller ranches or properties where wildlife lovers want to attract a couple of deer to their backyard, small deer feeders with limited capacities will suffice.In this case, feeders firth 30-50 pounds will do just fine. You can always send us a message if you need help choosing one. You have to consider individual needs to buy the right one for you.

What is the best time to set deer feeders?

For those looking to optimize their hunting strategy, determining the right time to set up and fill the feeder is crucial. Typically, the best time to establish a hunter feeder is a few weeks before the hunting season begins. This gives deer ample time to locate and become accustomed to the feeder, ensuring more predictable movement patterns when the season is in full swing. An automatic feeder also provides the advantage of distributing feed at consistent times, which helps in establishing a routine for the deer. When choosing the specific hours to fill the feeder, early mornings or late afternoons are often ideal, as these are periods when deer are most active and are likely to discover the new food source promptly.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the perfect feeder for your hunting pursuits or simply for wildlife watching isn't a task to be taken lightly. It's crucial to find out which feeder is right for your specific needs and the environment you'll be using it. One fundamental thing we've learned from years of observation and research is thatdeer can smell a feeder from a significant distance, and this is where the quality of the feeder's build and its contents come into play.

An effective deer feeder is not just about its capacity to hold feed but also its capability to attract a herd of deer consistently. The scent, placement, and type of feed used all play pivotal roles in ensuring you keep the deer coming back for more. How the feeder is built, including its durability, resistance to weather conditions, and its ability to dispense feed without wastage, determines its efficacy in the long run.

Given the vast range of feeders on the market today, it can be overwhelming to select the ideal one. But with a clear understanding of your goals, whether it's to hunt or observe, and armed with the knowledge from reviews and expert insights, you're well on your way to making an informed decision. Always remember, the goal is to draw deer consistently and in a manner that's sustainable and respectful to their natural habits. Happy hunting!

The Best Deer Feeders for 2023 (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.