Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (2024)

Your Baby at 4 Weeks: Spec of Glitter

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (1)

At 4 weeks, your baby-to-be is the size of a spec of glitter. A lot of people don't discover they're pregnant until around 6 weeks (unless you're tracking your cycle and fertile signs), so it's pretty plausible that you're still going out as normal with friends at 4 weeks—blissfully ignorant of your big news.

If you wake up the next morning with a spec of glitter leftover from last night's eye shadow, don't just wash it away. Why? That's about the size of your teeny, tiny embryo at week four. For reference that's 0.014 to 0.04 inches in length and not quite 0.04 ounces. And the best part? The pregnancy party's just getting started.

What a Week 4 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 5 Weeks: Heart Button on Instagram

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (2)

At week 5, your baby (or embryo) is about the size of the heart button on Instagram.

While it might feel too soon to announce your pregnancy to the masses, you may be daydreaming about the huge collection of "likes" you're going to create when your friend-and-family fan base hears your big news.

While you're strolling through Instagram (shamelessly looking at baby shower ideas, strollers, and tiny baby clothing), take a moment to admire that heart-shaped like in the corner. That's how big your babe is at 5 weeks, with actual specs at 0.05 inches and 0.04 ounces. Coincidentally, this is also when your baby's brain, spinal cord, blood vessels, and actual heart are all starting to develop.

What a Week 5 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 6 Weeks: Hashtag

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (3)

Wondering what baby's size compares to at 6 weeks? This week, the embryo is about the size of a hashtag.

While the only hashtag on your mind might be #morningsicknesslastsallday, right now, your unborn baby is about the size of the hashtag you type on your phone. That means they're 0.125 inches long and about 0.04 ounces. If you want to tell them about what's trending on Twitter, go ahead, because their ear canals are forming now and their heart is pumping blood and beating at about 80 times a minute.

What a Week 6 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 7 Weeks: Tip of an Eyeliner Brush

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (4)

At 7 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of the tip of an eyeliner brush.

Yeah, you did wake up like that: feeling a little nauseous and a little amazed by the size of your breasts (did you know some people can go up a full cup size by week 7?!). But as you go through your morning routine before getting to work in your comfiest clothes, glance at your eyeliner brush.

That tip at the end (that you dip into your go-to shadow shade) is how big your growing baby is right now. At 0.5 inches and 0.04 ounces, they're developing the start of their arms, legs, face, kidneys, mouth, and tongue.

What a Week 7 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 8 Weeks: iPhone App Icon

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (5)

At 8 weeks, your baby—which is now officially a fetus—is about the size of an iPhone app icon.

We know your style: You're the first to research the best pregnancy apps to track your babe. And you probably just *had* to add Pinterest back to your most frequented apps because, hey, planning for a baby's wardrobe and nursery is the only thing that takes your mind off morning sickness.

Next time you open up Instagram, check out the size of the app icon—that's the size of your baby this week! At 0.63 inches and 0.04 ounces, you probably wish you could use your camera app to snap a photo of your growing fetus, which now is starting to develop an upper lip, hands, feet, nose, and eyelids.

What a Week 8 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 9 Weeks: Piece of Sushi

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (6)

At 9 weeks, you may be wondering how big your unborn baby is. This week, baby's size compares closest to a piece of sushi roll.

It's one of those sad, harsh truths about being pregnant: No raw fish for you! Though you can technically eat a roll if it's veggie or fully cooked (hello, California roll), many parents-to-be tend to take a bit of a break from their fave Japanese takeout for a few months.

But if your partner is over there chowing down, go ahead and admire their dinner because one piece of that sushi roll is about the size of your baby, at 0.90 inches and 0.07 ounces.

What a Week 9 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 10 Weeks: Mini co*cktail Sausage

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (7)

At 10 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a mini co*cktail sausage.

It's OK if you're feeling a little bloated squeezing into your pre-pregnancy clothes. It's also normal to feel tired and to take time to get used to your changing body.

Plus, consider this: At 10 weeks, your baby is the size of a mini co*cktail sausage (you know, the ones you get on a toothpick at parties?). They're also starting to develop their bones, cartilage, and tooth buds as they continue to gain weight and grow, at 1.22 inches and 0.14 ounces. They also develop their neck, eyelids begin to close to protect their developing eyes, and their head becomes rounder.

What a Week 10 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 11 Weeks: Ping Pong Ball

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (8)

At 11 weeks, your baby is about the size of a ping pong ball.

Gone are those late 3 a.m. nights at your local watering hole, playing beer pong until it was time for last call. (These days you're lucky to make it through an episode of your favorite show on Netflix before passing out.) Even if you're not getting boozy, you might be experiencing more gas and feeling the bloat, just without the brewskies.

But all those bodily changes are for good reason: Your baby is growing fast! At 1.61 inches and 0.25 ounces, they're about the size of a ping-pong ball and can make facial expressions and smile. They're starting to kick but you won't feel it yet, and while sexual organs are forming, they won't yet be distinguishable by ultrasound.

What a Week 11 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 12 Weeks: Jelly Donut Hole

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (9)

Looking for a fun-filled baby size comparison? Well, at 12 weeks, your little love bug is about the size of a jelly donut hole.

You're getting really close to the end of your first trimester (cue the praise hands emoji!), and that means your bod is making moves, with your uterus moving up and out of the pelvis, settling in just above the pubic bone. From here the uterus will continue to expand into the abdomen.

While this movement helps with those frequent bathroom trips in the middle of meetings during the day, it also may make you feel a little dizzy. And though it technically won't cure it, we suggest eating something sweet to up your blood sugar…like a donut. Or more specifically: a jelly donut hole.

Why? Because at 12 weeks, that's the size of your little baby baking at 2.13 inches and 0.49 ounces. They may want one of those treats, too, since now their digestive system is starting to develop.

What a Week 12 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 13 Weeks: Mini Cactus

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (10)

At 13 weeks, your baby is about the size of a mini cactus.

Congrats, it's the last week of your first trimester! To celebrate, give that parenting gene some practice by picking up another plant for your desk (or windowsill at home). Plants have been known to brighten your mood and produce more oxygen, both things you can always use more of.

Make sure to grab a mini cactus as a tribute to your unborn baby's current size, which is now around 2.91 inches and 0.81 ounces. Ask your developing babe-un what you should call your new plant friend, since this week, their vocal cords are developing

What a Week 13 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 14 Weeks: Bicycle Bell

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (11)

At 14 weeks, your baby is about the size of a bicycle bell.

You're in your second trimester now and that means your babe is about to take off on a growth spurt, and you're about to feel a lot better than you did at the beginning of your pregnancy.

You might even feel up to taking some bicycle laps around your local park or neighborhood with your partner or bestie—and we totally approve of a "Baby On Board" sign for the front of your basket.

You might not need a bell, depending on where you live, but if you have one, admire it—that's the size of your little one this week. At 3.42 inches and 1.52 ounces, your baby can stand upright and is starting to sprout hair.

What a Week 14 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 15 Weeks: Mixed Tape

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (12)

At 15 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a mixed tape.

Feeling nostalgic? Break out an old mixtape, and listen to some of your favorite tunes.

While you'll likely need to go to your local vintage or thrift store to find a cassette player, think about your prized Backstreet Boys tape back in the day because that's the size of your baby right now! They're about 3.98 inches and 2.47 ounces, and growing more each day.

What a Week 15 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 16 Weeks: Éclair

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (13)

At 16 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of an éclair.

First it was cupcakes, then specialty donuts, and then sundaes so massive you didn't know how you'd make it through scoop one. Decadent food trends will always evolve (can you even imagine what your baby will Instagram one day?), fulfill your craving for something super-sweet as a tribute to his size: an éclair.

No worries if you can't finish it—your eyes may be bigger than your stomach these days. Your baby's 4.57 inches and 3.53 ounces this week have helped them gain use of their eyes. Don't forget to tell them all about your trip to the bakery (and how many likes you got from posting it on Instagram), because they can also hear you now—and make sucking motions with their mouth.

What a Week 16 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 17 Weeks: Vintage Wallet

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (14)

Wondering what baby's size compares to at 17 weeks? This week, the fetus is about the size of a vintage wallet.

You're inching closer to that halfway mark of your pregnancy and your oh-my-goodness-how-are-we-going-to-afford-this freak-outs might have begun. As you start to plan your budget with a baby in mind, consider the wallet your grandmother always had in her favorite purse. That's about how big baby is right now, at 5.12 inches and 4.94 ounces.

What a Week 17 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 18 Weeks: Side of Guacamole

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (15)

At 18 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a side of guac.

Let's get one thing clear: While you're not technically "eating for two" as the old adage says, we are firm believers in giving your body (and your baby!) what it wants. Mexican for dinner again? Go for it, and don't forget about the side of guac.

Your baby's about the size of your fave side dish, at 5.59 inches and 6.70 ounces. Just don't stay out too late, since your baby is learning to yawn now—it's tiring work developing their senses.

What a Week 18 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 19 Weeks: Pint of Ice Cream

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (16)

At 19 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a pint of ice cream.

While every parent-in-the-making is different, you might start to feel your baby's first kicks (that frankly, might feel a lot like gas and a little like butterflies) in the coming weeks.

Why? Your baby is starting to get a little more coordinated as they grow inside of you, and these days, they're around 6.02 inches and 8.47 ounces. That's about the size of that pint of Ben & Jerry's that you down every other night because, #YOLO.

Your Baby at 20 Weeks: Top Knot

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (17)

At 20 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a top knot bun.

You're already halfway through your pregnancy, and thankfully, you probably actually feel preggers now (and not just, um, bloated from eating one too many burritos). Your belly has likely popped a bit, you're showing, and you might be reaping the benefits of some shinier, faster-growing nails and hair.

But if those locks are growing too quickly for you to keep up with styling, throw it up in a top bun, that's (surprise!) the size of your baby this week! That's right, at 6.46 inches and 10.58 ounces, your baby could fit on the top of your head.

What a Week 20 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 21 Weeks: Bottle of Sriracha

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (18)

At 21 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a bottle of sriracha.

Craving noodles tonight? Or maybe something savory and sweet that definitely doesn't go together, but your 10.51-inch and 12.70-ounce mini-me says it does? You might be craving random foods like crazy and you may even have a hankering for something spicy.

Pick up a bottle of the cult favorite—Sriracha—to fulfill those Netflix binge munchies. Hold it close, since that's baby's size right now. Just hope your little one loves spice as much as you do, since this week, their developing taste buds may allow them to taste the heat, too.

What a Week 21 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 22 Weeks: Kale Smoothie

At 22 weeks, your baby-to-be is about the size of a kale smoothie.

If your daily morning walk or workout during pregnancy has gotten a little more difficult lately, take a peek down at those feet of yours. While you can, that is. You're about to hit the time when those Nike kicks won't be visible past your belly anymore.

Your feet might also be swelling as you pick up your post-workout kale smoothie. But the good news about your health obsession? That smoothie can give you a glimpse into your baby's size right now: 10.94 inches and 15.17 ounces. When you think you can't take another step, daydream about your baby's gorgeous face, which now has eyelashes and eyebrows.

What a Week 22 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 23 Weeks: Burrito

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (20)

At 23 weeks, you may be wondering how your fetus is developing, i.e. what big milestones will your little one meet this week? You may also be wondering about baby's size comparisons. How big is your baby at 23 weeks? Well, if you guessed the size of a burrito, you're right! They weigh more than a pound at 11.38 inches and 1.10 pounds!

Of course, as #awesome and #lifechanging as growing a tiny human is, these days—between swelling, fatigue, forgetfulness (that Google Calendar doesn't always keep up its side of the bargain, eh?), and possible skin discoloration—you might miss pre-pregnancy a bit. But keep in mind, you're more than halfway through your pregnancy journey. You have just 17 weeks until your due date (though you can double-check with a due date calculator).

What a Week 23 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 24 Weeks: French Press

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (21)

At 24 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a French press.

Of all the things you have to give up when you're pregnant, one thing that luckily isn't a no-go is coffee (in moderation, of course). And with those sometimes-restless nights where no position feels like the right one, you may be thankful for that morning brew.

Give that java an upgrade with a French press this week since that's what size your baby is right now: 11.81 inches and 1.32 pounds. Another cool feature you can talk about over breakfast? Imagining what your baby's sweet face looks like, since now, it's fully formed.

What a Week 24 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 25 Weeks: Wide-Brimmed Fedora

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (22)

At 22 weeks, your baby is about the size of a wide-brimmed fedora.

As cute as your belly is (especially in those denim overalls that are making a comeback), it doesn't always make up for how sore your back is from carrying that extra weight.

Take a load off and head to brunch with your crew. To pair with your trendy outfit, grab a wide-brimmed fedora hat, which is about how big your babe is right now. At 12.50 inches and 1.46 pounds, their nostrils are now open.

What a Week 25 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 26 Weeks: Bottle of French Soda

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (23)

At 26 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a bottle of fancy French soda.

Oui, oui! Is that an outie belly button you see?! You're about two-thirds of the way through your pregnancy, and you might start noticing more stretch marks and more movement from your baby. Though it's not OK to have a glass of vino, you can toast to getting through a large part of your pregnancy with a bottle of some sparkling water or fancy French soda.

As you clink glasses with your friends or partner, pay special attention to that bottle, since your baby is about that size right now: 14.02 inches and 1.68 pounds. Even cooler than that ice-cold glass? The fetus' eyes are starting to open now and the brain waves are starting to roll.

What a Week 26 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 27 Weeks: Terrarium

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (24)

At 27 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a terrarium.

As you inch closer to that third trimester, you might feel that nesting mode coming in full force. Since your baby shower is probably happening soon and you've picked out swatches for the nursery, you might want to consider adding even more life to the room for the new life you're bringing into the world.

Your fetus is about the size of a terrarium at 14.41 inches and 1.93 pounds, and we bet they'd like the greenery in their first-ever room. You could ask them if you want, since your baby can probably recognize your voice by now, too! Just don't be disappointed if they respond with a hiccup.

What a Week 27 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 28 Weeks: Tagine

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (25)

At 28 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a tagine.

Time to post that #HomeStretch photo—you're in the third trimester now. While it might feel like your belly grows faster than ever in the coming weeks, take a night out to celebrate how far you've come with some Moroccan food.

Just don't forget to tell everyone that babe-un is about the size of that tagine on the table, at 14.80 inches and 2.22 pounds. We wouldn't be surprised if your baby starts thinking about their own first trip to North Africa now.

What a Week 28 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 29 Weeks: Banana Split

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (26)

Looking for a sweet size comparison for baby? At 29 weeks, your little love bug-to-be is about the size of a (giant) banana split.

You've long forgotten what your feet look like, but hey, that diner down the road knows you by name and there's always a seat for you when you have an intense craving that just has to be filled right now. This week, opt for a giant banana split with all the fixings, which depending on the size of that potassium all-star, is the same size as your unborn baby right now.

At 15.2 inches and 2.54 pounds, it'll be a baby-screams, you-scream for ice cream kind of time since now, your unborn babe might be jamming your insides with their elbows and knees (and you'll feel them, since their bones are fully developed, though still soft and pliable). And so it begins…

What a Week 29 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 30 Weeks: Garden Gnome

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (27)

At 30 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a garden gnome.

If you decided to have your baby shower at your place, you might have asked your partner to update the landscaping before guests come. While they're pulling on the yard work gear and heading to the backyard, suggest they pick up a garden gnome for baby, since that's about how big they are these days.

At 15.71 inches and 2.91 pounds, your baby's continuing to grow, gain weight, develop blood cells, and, coolest of all, their brain is developing rapidly.

What a Week 30 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 31 Weeks: Tub of Movie Theater Popcorn

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (28)

At 31 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a large tub of movie theater popcorn.

Remember those insane videos about childbirth you had to watch in sex ed in high school or in college anatomy? We hate to break it to you, but they won't necessarily be easier to watch now. So when you do watch them, you might as well have reinforcements, such as a large movie popcorn that's about the size of your baby this week.

At 16.18 inches and 3.31 pounds, your little one may take a snooze and suck their thumb while you tune into what's happening in a few weeks.

What a Week 31 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 32 Weeks: Bento Box

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (29)

At 32 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a bento box.

Meal prepping when you're 32 weeks pregnant is about as laughable as those skinny jeans you wore pre-pregnancy. That's why the invention of the bento box for lunch is not only a financial bargain but a top pick for pregnant people.

When you nosh on your third quirky lunch box this week, consider the size of it. Baby is about that big right now at 16.69 inches and 3.75 pounds. They're also practicing their sleep cycles, and your doctor may want to check which direction their head is pointed to prep for birth.

What a Week 32 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 33 Weeks: Small Chihuahua

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (30)

At 33 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a small chihuahua.

Your fur baby will always be your first baby, and while you might spend more time cuddling now than ever before, once your human arrives, your furry friend might not get as much attention.

They'll forgive you for it (probably) so think about how big your pet is in comparison to how small your baby is. Unless you have a small chihuahua, your cat or dog is probably bigger. This week, your baby is about 17.20 inches and 4.23 pounds, and their immune system is beginning to develop.

What a Week 33 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 34 Weeks: Mid-Century Modern Hanging Lamp

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (31)

Wondering how baby measures up at 34 weeks? This week your unborn baby's size is comparable to a mid-century modern hanging lamp.

Having a hard time coming by some shut-eye? With a heavy belly, tired back, and a body pillow that only helps you fall asleep a smidge of the time, you might be watching Netflix re-runs more often than you'd care to admit to your co-workers.

If your few dreams are of mid-century modern homes worthy of Mad Men, think about the lamps you see hanging there. That's about how big your unborn baby is this week at 17.72 inches and 4.73 pounds. Another cool fact? The fetus is now growing some fingernails!

Your Baby at 35 Weeks: Picnic Basket

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (32)

At 35 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a picnic basket.

It's no picnic being pregnant at 35 weeks: You might be running to the bathroom every chance you get and sleep might be something of the past. But the good news? Your baby is gaining weight fast and frequently, as they prepare for their grand entrance.

While you clear through everything you own in total nesting mode (don't forget to share that nursery on Instagram!), take a look at the picnic basket in the back of your closet, since that's how big your babe is this week at 18.19 inches and 5.25 pounds.

What a Week 35 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 36 Weeks: Throw Pillow

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (33)

At 36 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a throw pillow.

If your partner thought throw pillows for your king-sized bed were unnecessary when you moved in together, chances are, they'll also think they're kind of silly for the rocker in your nursery. But hey, those Etsy finds were totally worth the two-hour search when you couldn't sleep at 3 a.m., right?

Throw the pillow their way as you tell them that's the size of your babe this week at 18.66 inches and 5.78 pounds. Their bones are continuing to strengthen now (and will get stronger during the first years of life), and they're getting more ready for their trip down the canal. Don't be alarmed by those increasing Braxton Hicks contractions, which you may be experiencing from now until it's time for the real deal.

What a Week 36 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 37 Weeks: Lightweight Kettlebell

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (34)

At 37 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a lightweight kettlebell.

You can remember it, right? Those Sundays when you'd wake up late, head to the gym for some cardio and weight training, then grab a boozy brunch before settling into bed, relaxing until you had to survive another case of the Mondays?

Your life is getting ready to change (in an awesome way, we promise!), but you might feel like that baby growing inside of you is getting heavier—say, like a kettlebell?—by the day.

You're right, your unborn baby is about 19.13 inches and 6.30 pounds now, just like that kettlebell you use for arm reps. They might be working on their own exercise routine, with more kicks and movement as they prep for birth. Consider it the warm-up.

What a Week 37 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 38 Weeks: Toolbox

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (35)

At 38 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a toolbox.

You've always been independent and perhaps a little handy, stubbornly fixing everything in your apartment that you could before asking for help. These days though, it may pain you to ask for assistance for the littlest of things (like um, getting out of bed) from your partner.

Just don't forget that your body is prepping for the tools it needs for birth coming up soon, which is why it makes sense that your baby is about the size of a toolbox this week, at 19.61 inches and 6.80 pounds.

What a Week 38 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 39 Weeks: Beach Ball

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (36)

At 39 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of a beach ball.

We know, we know, you're ready to get this baby out of you… like now. You're uncomfortable, you're hormonal, and the very thought of another week may make you want to go to bed, stat.

Dream of a nice day on the beach (with a margarita or two in your hands) to get through these last two weeks. Especially since you feel like you have a beach ball in your belly, and you do—that's the size of your babe this week at 19.96 inches and 7.25 pounds.

What a Week 39 Pregnancy Ultrasound Looks Like

Your Baby at 40 Weeks: Gallon of Almond Milk

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (37)

And finally, at 40 weeks, you may be wondering how big your unborn baby is. This week, baby's size compares closest to a gallon of almond milk.

You made it! You grew a baby! Can you believe it? We know you can since you're feeling it and you're more than ready for that babe to get out of your body already, please-and-thank-you.

Enjoy some coffee (though still a 12-ounce cup or less) before you might have to stop drinking or eating anything when you go into labor (depending on hospital policy), but don't forget the almond milk.

It's a nice dairy-free alternative if regular milk gives you stomach issues, and a gallon of this healthy supplement is the size of your fully-grown newborn, at 20.16 to 21 inches and 7.63 to 9 pounds. You're a rock star!

Baby Size Comparisons That Aren't Fruit, According to Millennials (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.